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Umoja Partnership
P.O. Box 40574
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Your contribution helps children like Joy Viveca:
Joy joined the Umoja Project in class 4 at Chulaimbo primary school, she was a partial orphan at that time. She received school lunch, uniforms, a blanket, a solar lamp, and attended GET UP. Joy has completed her nursing degree currently has a full-time position at St. Luke's Hospital. She has applied to Daystar University in Nairobi to get her bachelor of science in nursing. Joy's dream is to become a nurse practitioner and work for the Riley Mother Baby Hospital in Elodret where she volunteered.
Words from Joy about the Umoja Project:
"My family and friends at Umoja Project taught me to dream and fight to reach my goals. I would not be a Registered Nurse today if it were not for the Umoja family. The Umoja family rescued me from grass to grace."